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Radha Madhav Society (UK)' s Events Blog brings you up-to-date JKP and RMS UK News and information as well as detail on H.H. Dr Bageeshwari Devi's forthcoming lectures and kirtan programmes in the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. Click here for photos of past events

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Many devotees get in touch with us to host a sankirtan programme at their residence. During these events Didi Ji beautifully explains each verse of the sankirtan so the audience gains both spiritual knowledge as well as spiritual upliftment through chanting. Do get in touch with us on 0800 043 0902 if you are interested in attending.

Talk on The secret behind the universal desire of Happiness in Stoke on Trent, 10th June 2018 10am-12:30pm

Radhe Radhe, 

We all desire to be happy, but have you ever pondered on the secret of why?
Join us in Stoke on Trent at Hindu Cultural Society Temple, from 10am-12:30pm, where H. H. Dr Bageeshwari Deviji will share wisdom from the ancient scriptures on this secret. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Radhe Radhe,


Talks on 'Meditation - The Easy Way' in Birmingham, Durga Bhavan 16th & 17th June

Radhe Radhe, 

We are all aware of the scientific research behind the health benefits of meditation. Countless studies and mental health experts advise us to meditate. 
We have all pondered on the thought of how to meditate, and possibly even tried. 
Meditation is extremely beneficial and powerful once we know how to do it.

Join us at Durga Bhavan in Birmingham on Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th June @ 5:15 -6:45pm, when H.H. Dr Bageeshwari Deviji shines some light on this intriguing topic.

Talks will be followed by Prashaad.

Radhe Radhe,